The Squadron has its own garden, which the Cadets can volunteer to help maintain. Any work done in the garden can be used towards the Service section of their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
The Squadron has its own garden, which the Cadets can volunteer to help maintain. Any work done in the garden can be used towards the Service section of their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
Cadets are trained to shoot riffles, starting out with air riffles. Air riffles training and firing takes place at Squadron, often during parade nights, where all Cadets get the opportunity to participate. Training on higher powered riffles takes place at dedicated venues and ranges, usually at the weekend, which Cadets Read more…
Cadets have the opportunity to bid for flying slots, where they get to experiencing the thrill of powered flight with a fully qualified staff member in a 2 person Grob Tutor aircraft.
Cadets have the opportunity to bid for gliding slots, where they get to experiencing the thrill of unpowered flight with a fully qualified staff member in a 2 person glider.
This takes place once a month where Cadets are trained to shoot clays by fully trained staff. It is a full day out with lots of time to socialise with friends from both 331 Squadron and others from Squadrons around the Trent Wing area.